Best House Music DJs

Experience the electrifying beats of the top DJs in Los Angeles.

Discover the talented DJs who are setting the dance floors on fire with their incredible mixes and seamless transitions. Get ready to groove all


Featured DJs

Get to know the featured DJs who are making waves in the house music scene of Los Angeles. From their signature


DJ Sets

Listen to the latest DJ sets from the house music scene of Los Angeles. From live recordings to exclusive mixes, these sets will


DJ Interviews

Read exclusive interviews with the DJs who are shaping the house music scene in Los Angeles. From their career journeys to their thoughts on the future of


Top DJs

Discover the best DJs in the house music scene of Los Angeles. From established legends to


DJ Lineup

Check out our lineup of talented DJs who will be spinning the hottest house tracks at upcoming events.


DJ Profiles

Learn more about the DJs who are shaping the house music scene in Los Angeles. From their musical


Everything House LA is a website celebrating the vibrant house music scene of Los Angeles, California. Find out about the best house music dancers, DJs, and events.


House LA

Discover the Hottest DJs in LA

Experience the Unforgettable House Music Scene

Join us for an Epic Night of House Music